I Needed A Couple of Reads To Like It - Mr. Mercedes Review (Minimal Spoilers)


Mr. Mercedes by Stephen King

A retired detective, this book follows Bill Hodges as he tries to uncover a case involving a man who runs over many people in a Mercedes waiting in line for a job fair. This is the first book in Stephen King's infamous Bill Hodges trilogy.

I actually loved this book.

Just like every series I am obsessed with - seriously, it took me a couple of re-reads to like this.

When I originally read this book last year, I didn't really like it. And if you read my goodreads review, you'd know why.

I had different expectations for it, including genre and because it wasn't the genre I was expecting, I was so closed minded and that really prevented me from liking it.

But this time, I was open-minded and was ready for what was going to happen and I honestly loved it.

I absolutely love crime shows and books as someone closest to me is going into that field and has introduced me to that genre. One of my favourite crime-like shows is Dexter.

Mr. Mercedes very much so reminds me of Dexter except our detective, Bill Hodges is not a serial killer as well - just someone who is very experienced in their field. If you've seen the show, season one's killer, The Ice Cream Truck Killer shows a lot of resemblance Brady in many ways.

One of the biggest ways the two are very similar is how Brady taunts Bill Hodges.

At the beginning where he sends a letter to Bill Hodges and basically describes Bill's life as if he has been watching him throughout the years is a little eerie; but it's also what I love about an antagonist in crime books and shows like this.

Almost like, the killer is close but not close enough to put a finger on who it is.

As always, this book is written so well. It's full of suspense and doesn't run on. I know a lot of old King fans aren't a huge fan of King's newer books including Mr. Mercedes which came out a couple of years ago because of the structure written.

I've seen a lot of reviews looking for more gore and what not and I do agree it's not anything like Pet Sematary or The Shining. Although, it is just as great for a mystery/crime book.

But I feel like Mr. Mercedes is one of King's best crime based books.

I noticed there weren't any slow paced moments in the novel which was also quite nice as the plot continuously picked up.

I wouldn't say this novel was suspenseful all the way through because there were still very intricate moments in the novel that were specific to relationships and environments but it never ran on to me like The Tommyknockers and Christine did.

I am incredibly happy that I decided to re-read this book - and the trilogy in general before I dive into King's newest book The Outsider; which apparently has spoilers for this series because I feel I'm actually into this series unlike before.

I have yet to watch the show yet - I believe Stephen King himself has some part in production as well, but I'll be sure to dive into the series once I finish the trilogy.

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