My First Movie Review! - Everything, Everything Book and Movie Review


Everything, Everything By Nicola Yoon 

Everything, Everything follows our main character Madeline or "Maddy" who is allergic to everything - kinda. Maddy has Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID) meaning that she is prone to getting infections from everything which causes her to not leave her sterile home and everyone who does enter has to be thoroughly sanitized. Until her new cute neighbour Olly moves next door and Maddy doesn't let anything get in between them - even if that means risking her life and losing everything.

Book Review 

The book was definitely one of my favourite summer reads. There was so much about this book that I truly loved, but there were also some aspects of the novel that made me feel like it wasn't perfect.

For example, the writing style in this book is both particularly strange, but also great and original. I loved that it wasn't written in typical novel-style. There were obviously parts written like chapters; but there were also short blurbs from Maddy's one-liner book reviews that I really enjoyed, sections that looked like it could be screenshot from Maddy's computer, text message conversations etc. And to me, that writing style made it more enjoyable. It was original and a nice break from 15-20 page long chapters. What I found weird about the writing style though, was that specifically at the beginning of the book, the chapter sections of the novel constantly switched between past and present tense. I found myself constantly switching tenses in order for the beginning to make sense.

Another thing that I disliked was that the book stretched so long at the beginning but was rushed at the end. The novel was quite steady for most of the book; until it hit the end. By then, everything felt so rushed and I wished they kept the steady feeling throughout the novel.

Otherwise, I loved the characters in the book. I loved the relationship between Olly and Maddy. It felt so realistic and almost cheesy - but the cute cheesy that everyone needs once in a while. I also loved the character development from Maddy. You can tell at the beginning of the book, how vulnerable she is and how her character grows to be more stronger and independent.

Movie Review

Unfortunately, I didn't like the movie at all which was definitely a bummer to me since I really enjoyed the book. There was a lot of things in the movie that was taken out and because of that, there
were parts that wouldn't make sense if you didn't read the books - I watched the movie with my boyfriend who did not read the books and there were parts I had to explain to him what should be happening because the main concepts were taken out - especially Olly and Maddy's relationship growth.

I also found Maddy's mom to be a lot nicer that I thought she was from reading the book. That idea might just be me, although there were so many parts where I thought the reactions were a lot harsher than what was portrayed in the movies.

In comparison to the books, I discussed earlier how the book was so stretched out and the ending was rushed; well for the movie, everything felt rushed. To me, because of that, the movie wasn't that enjoyable.

Besides all the negative aspects of the movie, I loved the use of drawings and text messages and book reviews etc. (my favourite parts of the novel) were portrayed just as beautifully in the movies.

But overall, if someone were to ask me: "Jessica, if I could only pick one; Read the book or Watch the movie, which should I choose?" I would hands down say read the book. The book is much more enjoyable than the movie.

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