Where To Find Cheap Books - Jess' Book Advice


I get asked questions about books all the time: "Where do you get signed books?" "How do you find book signing events" "Book recommendations?" "How do you get your Bookstagram account out there?" etc.

So I thought I'd do a series of "Jess' Book Advice" where I answer everyone's most asked book-related questions.

Today, I'll start off with the most asked question I get: where to find cheap books.

Since I started Bookstagram and posting frequent updates on Snapchat and Facebook of my library, a lot of people have asked me, "Jessica, your library is growing. How much money are you spending?!" 

And the simple answer is: Not that much. 

See, if you are an avid reader and book collector like myself, you're continuously buying books. And books themselves are super expensive. An average new book can range from $10 to $50+ making it super expensive to create your own library. But there are cheaper options which I'll share with you lovelies today!

Let's start off with the used book option.
Thrift Stores 

Thrift Stores are indeed one of my favourite places to get books because they are incredibly cheap. Depending on the store, they can range between 25 cents to $5.

My favourite aspect of thrift book shopping is not knowing what you'll find. To some, that isn't the most pleasant thing to hear because some days you'll go home with 12 books and other days you'll go home empty handed. 

But to myself, it's kind of like a book surprise which I love! And most of the money you used to purchase the book(s) goes to charities which is a plus! 

Garage Sales 

Similar to thrift stores, garage sales are actually a very cool place to get cheap books as well, especially if the person hosting the garage sale is an avid reader. 

They share the same attributes as thrift stores in which they are used, incredibly cheap (around 25 cents each, depending on the person) and are a hit or miss when looking for books. 

I've been to a handful of garage sales and have found very cool popular young adult books for very cheap which is definitely something to keep in mind. 

The only downside is that if you live in a colder area like myself, garage sales don't happen very often. 

Amazon Used Books 

Since we're on the topic of used books, why not bring up Amazon's Used section. 

This is an area where not many people use or trust. 

The used section is typically under the original price of almost anything sold on amazon. There should be a little button under the highlighted price (when theres multiple purchasing options) that should say "_ Used from $____" 

In this category, you're able to pick various used copies of the book (or item) you're looking for. 

This is usually something that people aren't interested in using because they don't trust that their purchase will arrive in good condition. Although, it should state in what condition your book is in and if there is anything wrong with it. For example, if an item looks brand new, it should say so. If the item is an okay condition, it should state why: highlighted pages, no dusk jacket etc. 

It is very simple to use. Most of the books I buy off of Amazon are surprisingly used but look brand new. It's my favourite place to buy authentic, first edition hardcovers of Stephen King's books for a very cheap price. (The cheapest I've bought a used Stephen King first edition Hardcopy was two cents!)

Obviously with his method, prices may vary and may be a little more expensive than the other options. Some books can be on sale for two cents while others can be up to $100. Although the products you buy are your choice! If you choose to buy the two cent book, then that is what you pay! 

Book Outlet 

One of my most favourite places to get cheap books is BookOutlet. BookOutlet has an actual store in St. Catharines, Ontario. But if you don't live close, don't worry. They have an American online store which is this and a Canadian online store, which is this. They also ship to several international countries which they have a list of on their website!

BookOutlet is exactly what it is called; an outlet company for books. They provide many books from many genres and can range from $2 to $30+. Typically, a single book is about $2 to $10. BookOutlet receives regular books and takes 50-90% off the price to make it significantly cheaper. 

They also have a mix of new books and scratch and dent books, so always keep an eye out for that. 

Their shipping is very fast and efficient as they pack your books very well - especially great for those who are specific about their book conditions. And their staff is very friendly when you need help! 

They are one of my favourite places to shop because they usually get a lot of "new" releases for great prices.

BookOutlet also usually slides in a coupon bookmark here and there where you can get $5-$100 off!

Chapters/Barnes and Noble Books 

Since we've talked about mostly used books in this post, let's bring up that you CAN buy cheap books brand new if you know where to find them. 

One of my favourite places to buy books is the clearance section of your high linked bookstores. That could be Chapters/Indigo/Coles if you live in Canada and Barnes and Noble if you live in America. Regardless, you can buy from either stores online.

The best place to buy cheap books is their clearance section. This area runs from about $5-$10 for hardcover books. They are typically new releases as well. This is my favourite spot to look for brand new books that have just been released.

Rewards cards for either branch is very useful if you want discounted books as well.

I'm not too familiar with Barnes and Noble's rewards card because I live in Canada, but I'm pretty sure the card offers discounted prices, coupons and free shipping - as long as you pay a yearly fee.

Chapter's rewards card is my favourite though. It's free to get and it allows you to get discounted prices, as well as accumulate points which will help you save in the long run. Once you've bought 2,500 points worth of merchandise from Chapters/Indigo/Coles, you get $5 off, 4,500 points = $10 off and 8,500 off is $20 off.

Gaining points is very easy and helps you save a lot!

If your ever growing library needs a little pick me up for a great price, try out any of these methods and see what books you can get for cheap! I'm so excited to hear what you lovelies find in your inexpensive books hunt! 

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