Okay, But Do I Use These?? - Bookmark Collection - Jess' Collectors Corner


Hi lovelies!

So I mentioned a little bit ago on my blog that I wanted to expand with more than just reviews this year, and from here on end.

I asked you guys what you wanted to see first; this or my review of my Novel Companion and majority said a bookmark collection, so here we are!

I wanted to make a disclaimer that I'm not here to brag or show off my collection in a negative way. I thought this idea would be really fun and I've seen them all over booktube and book blogs!

I do own a handful of them from different places and thought it'd be really fun to show you what I own in hopes that maybe, you guys will do the same!

So with that being said, let's get into my bookmark collection!

I keep all of my bookmarks in this white mug that says "Baby Got Books" that I got from my Godson one year and I love it too much to use. The bookmark-filled mug sits on top of my little, two shelved bookcase that I also use as a desk. The only bookmark that doesn't sit in this mug is my Pennywise bookmark, which you'll see later. It sits in my heat changing IT much that sits on my IT shelf.

Lady Liberty

The first set of bookmarks I wanted to show you guys are from one of my favourite bookmark shops AStrangerDream who is known for her horror bookmarks! The first one I have is of Lady Liberty from the movie The Purge: Election Year. I'm a huuuuge horror fan if you didn't know, so when I discovered this shop, I automatically had to make a purchase. I believe this was a freebie with my order, since I order, possibly around the 4th of July? But either way, I do love it and the shop owner's drawings of each of these horror icons are phenomenal!


The next bookmark I have is also from AStrangerDream and it's Chucky from the Child's Play/Chucky franchise. I'm a huge Chucky fan, it was one of the first horror movies I watched as a little kid; I believe I was maybe in the fourth grade and I loved it so when I saw this bookmark, I couldn't pass it up. The shop itself doesn't say, but by Chucky's scratch placements and his ripped overalls, I'm assuming this design is from Bride of Chucky. (Correct me if I'm wrong though.) Both photos above are from the same bookmark though which I thought was super cool! One side has the classic Good Guy doll and the other has Chucky himself in all of his battered up glory!


Continuing with the horror bookmarks from AStrangerDream, I also own a Jigsaw bookmark from the Saw franchise that has the classic Saw line: "I want to play a game." I think I bought this during the time when I binged all the Saw movies in a span of a couple of days and thought it'd be the perfect idea to own this. Saw was another horror franchise I was introduced to as a young age - probably way before I watched Chucky. I remember when I was younger, my family would go to blockbuster every weekend to rent movies and one of the Saw movies was one that my sister picked up. I don't remember what movie it was, and to this day, I still can't say after binging the whole franchise, I just remember the puppet's face so distinctively.

1990 Tim Curry Pennywise

I think this bookmark is no surprise considering who I am. Also from AStrangerDream, I noticed I have a lot of 2017/2019 Bill Skarsgard Pennywise, but almost nothing of the classic Tim Curry as Pennywise. So when I saw this bookmark, I definitely had to get it. This bookmark has Pennywise peeping through the hung sheets from the opening scene where he taunts the little girl on the tricycle, followed by the quote:"Kill you all! Try and stop me and I'll kill you all!"

Jason Voorhees

We're halfway done with horror bookmarks from AStrangerDream, I promise! (haha) The next bookmark I own is of Jason Voorhees from the Friday the 13th franchise. Jason is also one of my top favourite horror icons, so when I saw this, I couldn't pass it up! I can't really put my finger on which Jason this is, but I'm thinking it could possibly be Jason from the 2009 remake of Friday the 13th. Again, correct me if I'm wrong. Regardless, this is one of my favourite horror bookmarks I have!


An absolute horror icon, it was so hard not to get this bookmark of Ghostface from AStrangerDream! This bookmark has Ghostface's mask in the reflection of his infamous knife he uses. I also really enjoy the Scream franchise but I notice that I tend to forget that I have this often.

Michael Myers

My last bookmark from AStrangerDream is of Michael Myers. I had originally gotten this bookmark because my boyfriend is a huge fan of the Halloween franchise and got me into this infamous horror icon. I think I bought this during the time when he and I watched a couple of Halloween movies and I fell in love with this character. (My favourite Halloween movie is the second one - that hot tub scene is so iconic!.. Also, get your mind out of the gutter! It's Michael Myers, not 50 Shades!)

White Wolf

I bet all you non-horror fans are relieved that I no longer have any horror bookmarks to show you, haha. The next bookmark I have is this bookmark of a white wolf that moves as you tilt the bookmark. For those who don't know, I love grabbing a bookmark whenever I visit a new place. During the summer of 2018, my family and I drove to the Big Apple which, I guess, it a huge apple farm/store? They had a couple of other animals on bookmarks but I couldn't pass up the wolf since it's one of my favourite animals and I was reading Heir of Fire at the time and was obsessed with Fenrys.

Black Panther

I'm also a huuuuge Marvel nerd for those who didn't know. I love everything from the MCU to reading comics X-Men and Fantastic Four comics. Black Panther is one of my favourite MCU movies so when I saw this bookmark, I didn't second think on purchasing this. I bought this at a Chapters location near me.

Infinity War

Again, because I love Marvel, I had to pick this up. Because I work at a bookstore, I get taunted by things like this all the time (haha) and decided to pick this up when I got the Black Panther one as well. I was mostly super excited because Bucky was on this bookmark and I love Bucky. You also don't see a lot of him anywhere, merch-wise so I just had to.

Stranger Things

I think I've mentioned this a couple of times as well, but I am a huge fan of the Netflix Original: Stranger Things. It's one of my favourite shows of all time, so I thought I'd pick this bookmark up from Indigo as well. I really like how this bookmark looks with all of the original main characters and definitely think this bookmark would look beautiful in Stranger Things photos (which I haven't done in a long while.)

Hawaii Surf Board

The next bookmark I have is a wooden surfboard I got in Hawaii. As always, I like to purchase different bookmarks from locations I've been to. Last year, I went to Hawaii with most of my family and picked this up at the flea market. It's made of wood (I believe) and has the different Hawaiian islands carved into the bookmark as well. I think it looks really pretty.

Mary Undoer of Knots

I've grown up in a very Catholic family and a couple of years ago, my family went to Our Lady of Fatima Shrine in New York. I got this bookmark of Our Lady, Undoer of Knots and thought it looked really pretty. The back has a prayer dedicated to the Virgin Mary.

BookOutlet Bookmarks

I think these kinds of bookmarks would typically be of those you'd throw out after you've received your package, but these bookmarks are from BookOutlet. If you're lucky, BookOutlet puts these bookmarks in your package (some, not all) and they come with a discount code for a certain amount off your next order. I still have mine, although the codes are probably expired.

Indigo Bookmarks

These are my absolute favourite bookmarks to use. Not only do I work for the Indigo company, but I also tend to shop there a lot (surprise!) and I've received a couple of these bookmarks when I shop in stores as well - I probably have more laying around my house somewhere, to be honest. I like to use these bookmarks a lot though because they are not only really simplistic, but also because if I end up losing them, it isn't a huge deal, verses losing a bookmark I spent a couple of dollars on.

A Ripped Bookmark

I honestly don't know where I got this bookmark from and I don't know what the bookmark is of either. I think it might be for Kobo which means, it's probably also from Indigo, but I could be wrong. I probably should throw this away soon though. It's ripped at the bottom because my sister's husky decided to pull it out of my book and tear it to shreds. Thankfully, he only ripped off the bottom.


These next set of bookmarks, I have no idea where they're from. I'm pretty sure this bookmark used to be my sister's and she's either given to me, or I've found in a book she's given me. I can't really say where this bookmark is from though. Maybe Indigo as well, like years ago?

Musical Notes

This one for sure, has to be my sister's because I don't think younger Jessica would have picked this up from the store. (To be honest, I don't think current Jessica would pick this up either lol) It's a classic ombre coloured bookmark that is covered in musical notes.


This one was definitely younger Jessica's bookmark. When I was younger, before high school even, I was obsessed with Glee. I think I asked my mom to buy this at Chapters, although I could be wrong. This was the first bookmark and I think my only bookmark up until the end of high school.

Magnetic Heart

During high school, I went through a magnetic bookmark phase. Why exactly? I'm not sure. This bookmark is a small heart magnetic bookmark and I think it's quite cute but I alwayas forget I have it. I also don't think I'd ever use it anyways, because I haven't been a very big fan of magnetic bookmarks lately anyways. I don't think I actually purchased this though. I think this might have gotten this bookmark from a gift from my godson, although I could be wrong. 

Pink Magnetic

To continue with my magnetic bookmarks, I also have this pink one that I got from a set at my local Chapters. It's pink and says "Don't quit your day dream." I believe I got this set because these bookmarks matched the pink in my room, exactly. 

Another Pink Magnetic

Part of the same set as the previous bookmark, I also have this one that says "Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen." I also have another bookmark that is a part of this set, but I don't know where it is. 


The next bookmark I have is a Divergent bookmark that I got from my friend Peyton for my birthday (I think?) one year. This bookmark came in a set that also came with magnets and stickers, and I believe is a Target exclusive. I haven't read the Divergent books just yet, I own the first two, but I haven't actually read them yet, so I can't tell you what any of these symbols mean, though.

Divergent Clip On

The last bookmark I have is this bookmark I got from the same set as the previous bookmark. My friend Peyton is a huge fan of Divergent and getting this set, I guess, was her way of getting me into the series. Although, I still haven't read the books, years later.

I believe I may be missing a couple of bookmarks, I know I missed the Blood of Olympus bookmark that uses the same photo as the cover of the book that I got from an Indigo Edition, although I'm not fully sure where that bookmark is; possibly in a Rick Riordan book somewhere on my shelves.

Although, from what I found from my mug, these are majority of the bookmarks I have!

I'd love to see you guys' bookmark collection! Or even, your favourite bookmark that you own as well! Definitely let me know in the comments section or on my Instagram! I'd love to see all of them!

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