I Can Never Get Enough of his Novellas! - Full Dark, No Stars Review


Full Dark, No Stars by Stephen King

Full Dark, No Stars is one of King's novella collections including 1922, which was just recently adapted into a Netflix movie. 

I feel like I continuously talk about how much I love Stephen King's short story and novella collections and this seriously isn't anything new.

I had previously watched Netflix's adaptation of 1922, which is a novella that is included in this book and I really enjoyed it. Once I watched it, I really wanted to dive into this book.

Fortunately, once I got my hands on this book, I devoured it.

I actually will say the adaptation and the novella together are one of the most genuine book to movie adaptations I've ever seen. There weren't very many changes and if there were, they were very minor. The adaptation really stuck to the original story by Stephen King and I think that is one of the things I loved the most.

Now, I'll admit this isn't my all time favourite King collection as I've read a handful that are a lot better but I did enjoy the read.

This book includes, I believe four of Stephen King's novellas and "Full Dark, No Stars" really describes this collection well: it is incredibly dark.

Personally, I get a lot of "classic King" vibes when I read this novel as each story seems to have that dark, horror element that is so hard to put down because it is so terrifying.

One of the stories that might feel a little uncomfortable to some, perhaps mostly women is the thought of rape. That concept is included in the story Big Driver, so I'd definitely mention a trigger warning if you plan on reading this collection as well.

King's stories that include that terrifying aspect, including in his short story Library Policeman from Four Past Midnight, another one of King's short story collections always terrify me. I love King's other works that use monsters and supernatural creatures because they aren't real. They're a fun thing to be terrified of, or think of the origin of each character, but they don't happen in real life.

That aspect of sexual assault does and it terrifies me. I think that is one of the stories I had to take a step back and catch myself before continuing to read. But other than that, I loved this book.

Some elements that scare me, might not scare you as everyone is different, but that is my own personal opinion.

I think, although each of the stories were well-written, obviously because it is written by Stephen King, 1922 was definitely my favourite short story of them all.

I'll admit, Full Dark, No Stars isn't my favourite King collection of all time, but it was indeed written nicely and was quite an interesting read.

I read this during the summer time, although I do wish I read it in the fall as it definitely gives off spooky vibes!

If you've read this collection, let me know what you think down the comments below or on my Instagram. I'd love to know if you loved Full Dark, No Stars or think Stephen King's other short story collections were better.

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